Hands Alive Puppet Theatre
Providing hand puppet entertainment and training - Auckland wide.
Call Christine on 0274 766 226 or email christine@puppetshows.co.nz

Why did the chicken cross the road?

It was my random act of kindness!

No, because he was helping me cross the road!

To see his flat mate?

Welcome to

Hands Alive Puppet Theatre

Kid's Entertainment in Auckland!

30 minute puppet show entertainment $299 (see Prices for full pricing options) See our Media Page for a short video sample.

When you need kid's party entertainment for your special occasion, a puppet show is a great choice! Popular at kindergarten's, childcare centre's, private functions, and schools (photo), the large colourful hand puppets are fun, fun, fun!

Come on a fun adventure with puppet Rudy as he hunts for a lion, tries to wake up a bear, and discovers "Box Town" and lots more. A Show full of action encouraging children to recycle. "Even a box can be a puppet!"
The puppet family can come to you with lots of laughs!

Puppet Workshops in Auckland!

During a Hands Alive Puppet Workshop Christine will:
-Show different kinds of puppets you can make.
-Teach how to make your character come alive.
-Teach the technique of puppetry - 'movement is the key!'
-Have some 'hands on' involvement in front of a crowd.
-Encourage story writing.
-Show that puppets are easily to make and anyone can be a puppeteer!
30min 1hour 2hour... puppet workshops it's up to you.
Cost from $299 (see Prices for full pricing options)

Click here to download our workshop flyer (pdf file)

Children's DVD - 'Helping at Home' (25 min.)

As the passion for puppetry continued to grow, along with her desire to help families, Christine and her family produced their first DVD, 'Helping at Home' (launched at Mangere Bridge library!) This has become a valuable parenting resource with parents now testifying how their children have become more motivated to help with the family chores!

Watch Now on Youtube.